
chat at blog_ =)

today done a very big mistake
never mind la, i will strive to cover it T^T
hope i can solve it...

erm... my structur of sentences have big mistake
so if you can understand then read it la, if not please skip it , haha

thanks my darling visit my blog 
answer your question at here la
siyeen also went to sport day ah, but late than me, haha
but have a big differences compared with before, erm... tell you whole thing when you back m'sia =)
erm...senior tny ah, a girl that we can saw her photo at fb, very very nice photo taken by cameraman, is our st.john senior.. remember her?
then my partner who is same post with me in st.john la, sat at your behind in class when we were form four..remember that time got 2 傻佬 behind us?? haha xD

siyeen, welcome to use nuffnang
that's a good equipment
but i must tell you that very hard to get it, must over few years i think = =+
oh my god yeen, my friend from convent also say you strong in english leh
alamak, sangat tamak ah awak

so my dear ymei
seem like very emotional
erm... i'm not really understand and feel what you feeling now at my situation
because i'm now so freedom, not same with the life of college or university
still have not see got how many type of people on the world
erm...just can hope you can take care at all
be a funny, active girl 
pilipala pilipala~

i thought it when i was a kid 
but i want to bring another message to you
although you are stay at other corner on the world, but moon,i will always at your side....
if you bored or alone at night, try to see have moon or not at the sky

i'm already answer all my question

boring sunday again
just stay at home, be a good daughter
slept 12 hours then woke up, just playing computer until now
actually i need to go visit doctor today
but my dad very busy, no transport to go
aiyo~my health ah T^T

so bored
help my phone change coverer
pink pink colour, damn like it =)
but the coverer so expensive
no idea, must buy it, the coverer of my phone hard to find out, my old one is very old already, although expensive i also need to buy T^T
but i really love the new look so much 

ok~spend too much time at computer
time to off =3=

helps me to click nuffnang har~

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